The EU Council and the European Parliament has reached a provisional political agreement to achieve a climate-neutral Union by 2050.
A joint commitment has also been pledged to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions (emissions after removals) by at least 55 percent by 2030.
Negotiators agreed that the European Commission will work with sectors of the economy that want to develop indicative voluntary roadmaps toward the Union’s 2050 climate neutrality target. It will further supervise the creation of roadmaps to promote EU dialogue and share best practices with stakeholders.
Other features of the provisional agreement include a new European Scientific Board, consisting of 15 senior national experts with mandates expiring after four years and no more than two members from the same country.
The independent board will be responsible for providing scientific information and monitoring of EU policies, climate targets, and approximate greenhouse gas budgets, as well as their consistency with European climate law and the EU’s international commitments under the Paris Agreement.