Climate change, conflict and economic shocks pushing millions more to brink of famine

The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) today warned that famine – already present in four countries – could become a reality for millions of people around the world, without urgent funding to stave off a catastrophe, and without access to families cut-off by conflict.

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UK COP26 Presidency Reveals Visions of a Net Zero Future

A ground-breaking new international collaboration between academics, business, civil society and citizens has been unveiled today by the UK COP26 Presidency, aimed at helping all nations of the world envision what a climate-resilient, net zero future would look like for them.

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International Olympic Committee boosts the Sahara’s Great Green Wall

Launched on World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, a new initiative by the International Olympic Committee (IOC) is set to support communities by enhancing the degraded lands of the Sahel on the Sahara Desert’s southern edge.

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Fauna and Flora International’s response to G7’s ‘Nature Compact’ commitments

The G7 summit in Cornwall concluded on Sunday with the publication, alongside the final Summit Communiqué, of a ‘Nature Compact’ committing the leaders of the G7 nations to a global mission to halt and reverse biodiversity loss by 2030.

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